This part of my website is a tribute to my mother’s artistry. I want to share Estera’s work as I deeply love it and am aware that it had a huge impact on me as an artist.
The layered depth and transparency in her art work was evident in her way of speaking and thinking. She walked with grace, spoke with depth, cooked with joy, Her colors were healing.
They were evident in the decor at home, in the way she dressed, in each item that she possessed.
I feel that I hear and write the way that she saw—great detail, transparencies, layers and purposeful abstraction. I love her colors— I love the spiritual vibe of her work and the fact that the longer you look at any one painting, the more you see. In some paintings, what reveals itself the longer you look at it, seems endless. She seemed to develop things that appeared to her and for her during her process. There are beings and faces and energies everywhere. There was someething so natural and organic about her process.
When I would ask her which way a painting went—up down, left, right—she would ask me “which way did you like it?”
If I asked her what the painting was about she would say “what do you see”?
Beyond the obvious is the truth! I hope you are moved by her work too.